Monday, March 26, 2018

Modification Operations

Sometimes,when you enter a program in SAP, system does not allow you to modify the code, even after going to the edit mode.

Instead, you will get a greyed out screen.
This happens when the original system where the object is developed is different from where it is being edited.
This can be checked in GoTo --> Object Direct Entry.
Here you can see that Original system name will be different than the system you are editing in.

The objects which have a name other than the name of system in which it is being accessed,  modification assistant will appear.
If you can change this to your system name then you can edit the objects without modification assistant.


EDIT  --> Modification Operations --> Switch Off Assistant
[ There will be a pop up with warning message and this can be ignored if what you are trying to do is a z program or if you know what you are doing ;) ]

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