Friday, January 29, 2016


0ASSET_AFAB_ATTRDepreciation Area Real or Derived

This datasource has Assets based on Depreciation Area

Base Tables
This datasource has both real and derived depreciation areas ( eg: 93 and 91 are derived, I guess. They are not in ANLC)

Calculating expired useful life
When a asset is created, the number of useful life years and months is also decided. There will also be start date for the depreciation. 
Useful Life is present in table ANLB-NDJAR/NDPER (Planned useful life in years/periods). Once the asset start depreciating , the useful years also decrease.
Expired useful life is saved in table NDABJ/NDABP (Expired useful life in years at start of the fiscal year/period)

This can also be calculated as follows.
Expired life in years = (Present Fisc Year - 1) - (Year from Start of Depreciation date)
Expired life in months = ( Period of the fiscal year from which Start of Depreciation is starting ) - ( Period of Start of Depreciation period)

0ASSET_AFAB_TEXTDepreciation Area Real or Derived

Only FULL load is possible for this datasource.

Thursday, January 28, 2016